Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Recognize Breast Cancer Diseases

All partners, any posts at this time I want to share information about breast cancer. Disease expressed as a murderess highest in the world, also appeared to have a variety of types. What is it? Let, we see together ....

Cancer is the disease, which body cells grow, change, and duplicate themselves beyond control. Typically, the name of cancer based on the given body where cancer first grows. Thus, breast cancer refers to the Maintenance and growth of abnormal cells appear on the network breast.

One group of cells will be split quickly and form a network clump or mass extra. This is called tumor mass. Tumor can be malignant (malignant, cancerous) or benign (benign, non-cancerous). A malignant tumor will penetrate and destroy the body of a healthy network. One group of cells in a tumor can also be broken out and spread to other body parts. Cells that spread from one body part to another body part that is called metastases.

Term breast cancer refers to malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast. Breast in general consists of two types of networks: network glandular (gland) and the stromal network (prop). Network includes glands lactic (lobules) and the channel lactic (the passage milk, milk duct). While the network includes a network standard fat and fiber network konektif. Breast is also formed by lymphatic network, a network that includes the immune system responsible for removing the liquid and dirt provider.

The American Cancer Society (2008) estimated that each year approximately 178,000 American women and 2000 men's United States will be affected by breast cancer diagnosed. Breast cancer is a major cause of death of women aged 40-55 years, and the second largest cause of death after cancer woman tuberculosis. Luckily, the mortality rate due to breast cancer has decreased in 2008 with a program developed and socialiated early detection and more effective handling of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is based on attack, divided into 2 (two), breast cancer is invasive breast cancer and non-invasif.

1. Cancer Breast Invasif
Cancer cell lines and damage to walls and attack breast gland fat and tissue surrounding the breast connective. Cancer can be invasif (attack) without always spread (metastatic) to knot limfe or other organ in the body.

2. Non-cancer breast Invasif
Cancer cell lines breast locked in and does not attack connective fat and tissue surrounding the breast. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), breast cancer is a form of non-invasif the most common (90%). Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) although less frequently, thus need more alerted because it is a sign of increased risk of breast cancer.

Based prevalence rate, breast cancer is divided into two, namely the common and rare.

Types of Cancer Breast There is a General

1. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS, lobular neoplasia): The "in situ" refers to cancer that is not spread from the area where the cancer began to appear. In the LCIS, the growth of the number of cells clearly visible, is in the breast gland (lobules). Many physicians do not classify LCIS as breast cancer and often "challenging" for the patient's breast during Biopsy medical investigations undertaken. LCIS patients with strictly monitored every four months by a doctor to do tests with clinical breast, mamogarfi added each year. Prevention may also be others who do this is to give drugs such as tamoxifen or prophylactic mastectomy (breast lifting that is done as a preventive effort).

2. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): This is a type of breast cancer non-invasif the most common. DCIS is often detected on mammogram as microcalcifications (calcium mass in a small amount). With early detection, Average level of DCIS patients survive to reach almost 100%, with notes, cancer does not spread from channel to network susu fat breasts and other parts of the body. There are several types of DCIS. For example, ductal comedocarcinoma, which refers to the DCIS with necrosis (area of the cancer cells die or degeneration).

3. Infiltrating lobular carcinoma (ILC): Also known as invasive lobular carcinoma. ILC start happening in susu gland (lobules) breasts, but often spreads (metastatizes) to the body of the other. ILC occur 10% to 15% of all breast cancer incidence.

4. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC): Also known as invasive ductal carcinoma. IDC's going on in breast milk in the channel wall and penetrate the channel, network attack breast fat, and possibly also occur in the body of the other. IDC is a type of breast cancer the most common, about 80% of all breast cancer diagnosis.

Types of Cancer Breast that rarely occurred

1. Medullary carcinoma: It is a type of invasive breast cancer that formed a boundary that is not common network between tumor and normal network. Medullary carcinoma occurs only about 5% of all breast cancer incidence.

2. Mucinous carcinoma: Also called colloid carcinoma. Mucinos carcinoma is one type of breast cancer is rare, form by cancer cells that produce mucus (phlegm). Women with this type of cancer has a high enough both to survive, compared with women with a type of cancer invasif the more general case.

3. Tubular carcinoma: It is a special type of invasive breast cancer. Women with Tubular carcinoma usually have a reasonably good recovery expectations. This type of cancer occurs approximately 2% of the overall breast cancer diagnosis.

4. Inflammatory breast cancer: It is a condition where the breast looks red (red and warm) with a basin and a thick fringe of or caused by the cancer cells clog the skin wrapping duct limfe breast. Although breast cancer inflammatoty this type of rare (about 1%), but if it happens, its development is very fast.

5. Paget's disease of the nipple: A type of breast cancer that breast in the channel, and then spread to the areola skin and hilt. Occur only about 1%. Breast skin will be broken in pieces, milk, ulceration (ulcer), and removing the fluid. Women with this type of cancer has a cure rate better, if not accompanied by the emergence benjolan.

6. Phylloides tumor: Also called phyllodes, is a breast cancer that can be benign or malignant. Phylloides tumor developing in the network connective breast and can be with the lifting operation. Breast tumor is very rare; less than 10 women died because of this type of breast cancer each year in the United States.

Source and Reference :www.cancer.org


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