Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Tips on How to Increase AdSense Revenue on Your Blog

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertisement application that is run by Google. Website owners, Webmasters and bloggers can enroll to this application to enable text, image and Video advertisements on their websites. The ads that will be displayed will be relevant to the content of the Website. Google AdSense is administered by Google and generates Revenue on either a CPC (Cost-Per-Click) or CPI (Cost-per-Impression) basis. AdSense is a great way to monetize your content and make some money.
How to increase AdSense Revenue on your Blog?

1. Localize your AdSense

By localizing your AdSense, you will keep your AdSense ads just on your individual post pages. These pages will have the highest concentration of information regarding a specific topic. Also try to experiment with different colours.

2. Target Sections

To prevent your blog being covered in random and irrelevant ads, add Section Targeting from AdSense. With Section Targeting, you can target specific regions for AdSense to take into account when serving ads. You can also choose what to ignore. This way your blog will have more relevant ads being displayed on your pages.

3. Write Good Posts

Before you start writing, think what the post is about. Forget about writing a niche topic and think about writing something informative. The more informative your blog, and the higher the quality, the higher your traffic. You don't want your users in browse mode, you want them in search mode. If your blog is rich in content, you will be successful in generating more traffic. More traffic=More revenue.

4. Keywords

One of the most important, if not the most important thing to take into consideration when trying to make your blog a money making machine. By knowing what the users are searching for, you can easily target more traffic by targeting specific keywords. Use Google's Keyword Volume statistics, or even the overture Keyword suggestion Tool to see what the users are searching for. If the specific keywords are already in high demand, this means the competition will be higher, and you will need to optimize your blog with more valuable, high quality content. Try to make it something different. This way you can generate more traffic, and generate more revenue with higher paying keywords.

5. Balance

To really strike a perfect balance between the high-search rate and low competition, follow these easy steps:

- Blog about things you enjoy and have a lot of knowledge about.

- Use descriptive keywords.

- Write high quality, informative and content rich blogs.

- Play by the rules and adhere to Google's Terms and Conditions.

- Keep improvising and optimizing.

- Make money.

- Enjoy!

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